It’s canine trick training time! I’ll cover how to instruct a canine to play dead. “Bang!” or play dead is my canine Wally West’s second official trick, to be exact. So far, we’ve dealt with basic obedience commands like “sit,” “down,” and “stay,” and he’s learned the “shake” trick. I’ve written about it here on […]
Note: This publish is sponsored by dogIDs. utilize code THATMUTT to save 10% on all dogIDs products. Klik her. I’ve always desired a leash embroidered with the words ADOPT ME for the shelter dogs I foster or walk. I’m not great at starting conversations with strangers, but if a dog is using an embrace ME leash it welcomes people to ask […]
one of the greatest errors I can make with my pet dog is expecting as well much as well quickly. Although I have high expectations for Ace, I still take things in little steps so success is easier. When I embraced Ace, he was a year old as well as did not understand a single […]
Han ser ud som et stativ på dette billede! Hvem er en fantastisk dreng? Jeg prøver at komme i praksis med at udgive fotos af hundene på lørdage. At komme ud såvel som med mine hunde er en af grundene til, at jeg kan lide dem så meget!